Timmy Kokke
WebXR / WebVR 🥽 HoloLens 🥽 Microsoft MVP 🌷 LiveCoder 📺 Senior Mixed Reality Developer @ Velicus ✨
Timmy has been described as an expert in C#, JavaScript, and web technologies. He is a senior developer, technical lead with a lot of knowledge about architecture. He has been building software for over 2 decades ranging from large web portals and mobile apps to creating 3D artist impressions and virtual reality.
Timmy currently works as a senior Mixed Reality developer at Velicus building apps for the HoloLens. He founded the WebXR NL meetup and is recognized as a Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio and developer technologies. He is on twitter at @sorskoot, blogs regularly on https://timmykokke.com and you can find him coding live at https://twitch.tv/sorskoot.