Jochen Kirstätter
"The only frontiers are in your mind"
Hi, my name is Jochen Kirstätter, also known as "JoKi". I'm a software craftsman, blogger, community founder, and speaker. Although I have been awarded as Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Developer Technologies and as Google Developer Expert (GDE) for Cloud I neither work for Microsoft nor for Google. These awards are a recognition of my community contributions, mu passion to share knowledge, and my activities to engage with their respective services and products over years.
Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community
The MSCC was founded back in May 2013 when my daily job as well as my private life allowed me to have a bit of spare time, and my passion to share knowledge and information with like-minded geeks came together. Since then the community has grown as the largest and most active user group in Mauritius. We organise the annual Developers Conference, run monthly meetings on various topics, and constantly encourage young and old people to venture into the world of information technology.
Google Developer Group Mauritius
The GDG Mauritius was an idea that kept me thinking about since 2015. During the first annual Developers Conference I was hoping that there would be other Google geeks to probably kick off a local GDG chapter. Unfortunately, it do not happen back then. Back in June 2017 I applied for and founded the GDG Mauritius given that my interest in Google technologies was ever increasing and I felt the need to balance the emphasis on Microsoft technologies. Ways of Contact
I would love it if you would subscribe to my blog's RSS feed. I'm also on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.