Eric J Fisher
Eric James Fisher
Who is Eric Fisher?
I'm currently a content author for Pluralsight where at the time of writing this profile I've produced 10+ interactive courses in .NET technologies, 7+ interactive projects primarily on .NET technologies, 3+ cloud labs on Azure and AWS. (You may have already engaged in some of my content on Pluralsight https://app.pluralsight.com/profile/author/eric-fisher) Prior to this I worked in software development a bit over 10 years in both the private and public sectors. I also play games, disc golf, and garden.
Experience in teaching
Teaching is something I've done since the very beginning of my career. I started teaching college courses as Brevard Community College (Now called Eastern Florida State College) when I was 19. When I wasn't an instructor I was often engaging in volunteer programs to promote STEM education, mentoring other developers, speaking at meetups and conferences, as well as facilitating training at past employers. Education is something I feel strongly about (not strictly in the formal education / certification means, but rather continuing to learn and expand one's knowledge)
Experience in speaking
I've spoken at a number of events over the years from Orlando Code Camp in Orlando Florida to .NET Fringe in Portland Oregon, countless grade schools in Central Florida, as well as several different Meetups and User Groups mostly around Central Florida. The topics I've spoken on have ranged from the strictly technical .NET Core, Unit testing, etc. to educational specifically things like teaching technical topics at an expert in your trade, to general business, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, as well as diversity and inclusion in technology and education.
Experience in technology
I have worked in tech since the very beginning of my career, I worked as a technician, helpdesk coordinator, network administration, software developer, team lead, and have been teaching others what they need to be able to do the same since I was 19. While I've primarily worked in .NET technologies my career has involved me having to work with Java, PHP, the whole gambit of common web languages like HTML, JS, and CSS. I've written software for a wide range of industries from helpdesk, to association management systems, to software that determines what ads get shown on what digital billboards when, etc. This includes private sector, software companies, private education, public education, local government, etc.
Professional passions effective learning, accessibility, diversity, and inclusion
The thing I'm most passionate about my work is the good it can do for others. Since the very beginning I've believed heavily in education and ensuring that learning journey is both effective and fund and engaging. (I want people to both learn, and want to learn) This has just been a part of my life for as long as I remember. As a kid it was around things like video games, collectible card games, and the lore of Star Wars. As an adult it's shifted to things that will help others improve their opportunities and by proxy their lives.
By the time I graduated high school ensuring we do right by those with disabilities became a passion as well. Around this time I started really picking up on just how difficult disabilities made things for people I knew due to poor design. Things as simple as color blindness would make what should be fun, enjoyable, and often productive experiences embarrassing and frustrating. This was even farther solidified when a car accident greatly limited my mobility for several months. You don't realize how incredibly difficult things are for the disabled until you're walking in their shoes... and it was only a few months.
My mid 20s equality and diversity were something I really became passionate about. I was always well aware racism and sexism existed, I just never realized how bad things really were until I saw them playing out first hand while volunteering at local schools. Seeing just how unfair and unequal things were completely blindsided me and lead to a great deal of soul searching and research. I know I worked hard in my career to get where I am, I also know I was afforded opportunities denied to others because of race or gender. As the unwitting benefactor of such problems, I owe a social debt I can never repay, but I certainly will do everything in my power to make it as right as possible.